nuMOM Milk Enhancer to Help Increase Breast Milk Production Using Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle Review

nuMOM Milk Enhancer to Help Increase Breast Milk Production Using Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle
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As a mother of two with an infant son who is just 2months old. I was having great difficulty producing enough milk for him. He was constantly nursing, and when I went back to work the problem just got worse. I would pump for 30min but only produce 1 to 2 oz which was not enough for my son. I was ready to call it quits but I wasn't ready to admit defeat yet so I googled "how to increase milk supply" and found all kinds of things from fennugreek to drinking beer. I bought some fennugreek from GNC but that didn't help so as a last ditch effort I bought this product from NuMom and let me tell you, I've been pumping milk like crazy. My milk supply has increased and I now am able to get out 4-5oz everytime. Thank you NuMom for helping me give my son the best start possible!nuMOM Milk Enhancer to Help Increase Breast Milk Production Using Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle

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